How to Help Your Kids Downsize Their Toy Collection
Are toys overtaking your home? Do you feel that everywhere you look there are toys?
Having too many toys is overwhelming to children. They will bounce from one activity to the next confused about what to play with. It is better to have a few toys that can be used for a variety of purposes. Remember the goal for organizing toys is that kids should be able to clean up independently. Here are 7 tips to help your kids downsize their toy collection.
Donate toys that your children don’t use
Do not keep toys that you think your child might use someday. It is important to let them go if your children do not like them.
Have a toy room
Choose 1 room in your house where the toys live. This way you can always have a sense of how many toys are in your house and how often you should declutter.
Age appropriate toys
Once all your children have grown out of baby toys it is time to donate them. It is especially difficult for parents to let go of baby toys as they have a sentimental attachment to them. It is ok to keep their favourite stuffie from when they were a baby. But you do not need to keep their: legos, dinosaurs, barbies etc.
Declutter your toys at least twice a year. Ideal times to declutter are right before Christmas and when the summer begins. Other great times are before your child’s birthday. Anytime before your child will receive new toys is a great time!
1 toy in 1 toy out rule - Have a set number of toys in mind that you will allow in your home. Once you reach that limit have a 1 toy in 1 toy out rule. For every new toy your child gets they need to donate 1 toy. This ensures that the toy collection stays manageable.
Involve your children
Always include your children in the process. They play with the toys everyday and have the best idea of which ones they enjoy and don’t enjoy. Plus you will avoid future meltdowns of accidentally donating their favourite toy.
Make it fun
Talk with your child about how by donating the toys you are making more room to play and for new toys. Discuss with them about where their toys will go when donated. The toys will go to other families where other children will get to enjoy and love them as much as they did. Teach your child early on about how good it feels to give back.
Decluttering toys isn’t easy but having a system in place to manage toys makes it so much easier!
Melanie McConnell is a professional organizer and the owner of Mello Spaces. She helps busy professionals and parents, in the Lower Mainland, get organized. Follow her on Instagram: @mellospaces
I (Leah Chandler) am a real estate agent with RE/MAX Colonial Pacific Realty in South Surrey. I help both buyers and sellers with their residential and commercial real estate needs in the Southern Fraser Valley (and beyond!). Follow me on Instagram: